Fly Delta for iOS

Delta Air Lines’ iOS app used by millions daily

Fly Delta for iOS

I worked with AKQA’s DC development team to create an award winning mobile app for Delta Air Lines.

Fly Delta allows for easy flight checkin, upgrade purchasing, trip history viewing, and much more. I worked on many sections of the app including, the purchase summary (cart), trip extras, special services, receipt history, and first class upgrading.

The Passbook feature of the app was demoed by Apple during the iPhone 5 keynote.

I collaborated closely with the (at one-time) 12 person AKQA development team. Communication was crucial to the success of the app. We had to ensure merge conflicts did not overwrite legitimate fixes and that the team knew each other’s progress. We had daily stand ups with the API teams in Atlanta for the status of data and API changes and to request our own changes to the APIs. This was possible because the API was being developed concurrently with the iOS and Android apps.

I utilized my design and user experience background to raise any issues with UI or UX as necessary. All the moving parts came together for a successful January 2013 launch.


  • AFNetworking with APIs
  • Storyboard merge conflict hero
  • Extensive use of debugging from Crashlytics reports
  • git & GitHub with feature-based pull requests
  • JIRA for bug tracking
  • Team Size: Up to 12 developers
